MoBill Budget and Reminder

How do I share my data with another device?

With version v3.11.3 Cloud Sync for AdFree feature added into MoBill. This is allows syncing your data between your devices and access to your data from web browser. For details please go to this entry

In AdFree Subscription you can do it through your Dropbox account. If you don't have Dropbox account you can get it free by clicking here. It is easier than manual method and it will provide extra security as it keeps the copy of the backup in your Dropbox account. Let's say you have phone and tablet and you want to copy your data from phone to tablet

1. In your phone go to menu=>Backup/Restore DB=>Dropbox Backup screen. If this is the first time you use it you will need to link to your Dropbox account.

2. Press Backup to Dropbox button. it will take a backup and upload the backup into your Dropbox account

3. In your tablet go to menu=>Backup/Restore DB=>Dropbox Backup  screen. If this is the first time you use it you will need to link to your Dropbox account.

4. Press Restore from Dropbox button. It will ask you to confirm as this operation will delete any data entered into MoBill in your tablet, if you confirm, it will download the backup from your Dropbox account and restore it automatically.


In free mode you can copy your data into another device manually. Let's say you have a phone and a tablet and you want to copy your data from phone to tablet

1. Backup your data in your phone through menu=>Backup/Restore DB=>Backup DB to Disk option. It stores the backup into mobill.bck file under MoBill folder in sd card

2. Copy mobill.bck file from your phone into MoBill folder in your tablet

3. Restore the data in your tablet through menu=>Backup/Restore DB=>Restore DB from Disk option.