How do I replace my Cloud Data with my backup/local data?
If your local data is fresher than the cloud data and you would like to replace the cloud data, you can replace the cloud data with your local data:
- First of all please take a backup of your local/up-to-date data and keep it somewhere safe.
- Sign out of your cloud account on all of your devices.
- If needed restore the correct data from a backup on your phone but please do NOT sign in to your Cloud account
- Login to the web app at and delete your cloud account through the "Delete My Cloud Account" button on the Settings page. This will wipe all of your cloud data.
- Sign in to the Cloud on your phone again. A new Cloud account will be created and the data in your phone will be uploaded to the cloud
- Login to the web app and verify that the data has been uploaded correctly
You can find the details of the Cloud Sync in the Cloud Sync User Manual at