MoBill Budget and Reminder

How do I transfer my data from old phone to new phone

!!! Please always take a backup of your data and copy somewhere safe first

In free version and/or with Premium Subscription

You can use this method in free version and/or with Premium Subscription

  1. On your old phone open MoBill and run menu=>Take Backup in Android or menu=>Backup/Restore DB=>Backup DB in iOS. The backup file is saved into the data folder on Android, or the selected folder on iPhone
  2. Copy the backup file into MoBill folder in your new phone.
  3. On your new phone run menu=>Settings=>System&Security=>Restore DB. In free mode MoBill will look for mobill.bck under the data folder and will restore it automatically. If you have a Premium Subscription you will get the list of available backup files.


With Premium Subscription

     If you have Cloud Sync activated and your Cloud data is up-to-date then when you link your new phone to your Cloud account, your data will be downloaded automatically. Please see Cloud Sync User Manual for details

     If Cloud Sync is not active then either you can follow the steps above for free version or in Android version you can transfer your data through your Dropbox account following these steps:

  1. On your old phone menu=>Dropbox Backup and choose backup
  2. On your new phone menu=>Dropbox Backup and choose restore