MoBill Budget and Reminder

Add a bill/income?

Simply, you can add new bill or income pressing + Bill or + Income buttons on the main screen. All rules for new bill also aplly to new income.

When you add a new bill, its Due Date defaults tomorrow's date, Reminder is set to None and Repeat is set to None which means this is one off bill. Due date entry is entered through Date Slider dialog that is a part of MoBill. Alternatively you can use standard date picker dialog comes with Android instead date wheel by unchecking Use Date Slider flag on Settings. The Amount is updated using in-app calculator by tapping the amount or the calculator button.

If you enter phone number, web address or email address into Notes, MoBill underlines them on the Quick View, makes them tappable which will run Phone Call for numbers, go to the web site for a web address or run the default mail app for an email address.

When you check Remind Until Pay flag, MoBill will remind everyday starting from the reminder date until the bill is paid. If you check Auto Payment (Auto Receive for income) flag, the bill will be marked as paid automatically on the due date.

You can add decreasing bill by checking Decreasing Bill flag (AdFree feature). Only recurring bills can be Decreasing Bill. When Decreasing Bill is paid partially, MoBill adds new bill with outstanding amount until the bill is fully paid. MoBill calculates places the new bill at the next occurence date. For example, you add 100GBP monthly decreasing bill with due date 01 Jan 2012. if you pay 30 GBP at 01 Jan 2012, MoBill will add new bill at 01 Feb 2012 with 70GBP.

When you update a bill, if the bill is paid MoBill will not allow you to update any field but Notes. If you are editing series, MoBill doesn't allow you to update Due Date and Repeat fields but it allows you to update Amount field and if you update the amount it doesn't affect already paid or updated occurrences, only unpaid and unedited occurrences are updated.